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CyberAccount Plugins

CyberAccount Plugins is a collection of plugins that can be used to extend the functionality of CyberAccount.


npm install @cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins permissionless

Session Key Plugin

Session Key plugin is used to generate a session key account for CyberAccount. With specific permission controls, session key accounts can be used to send transactions without the need of the signer confirmation.


Before creating a session key account, you need to prepare the following:

  • signer: The signer of CyberAccount
  • cyberAccount: a CyberAccount instance
  • sessionKeySigner: The signer of the session key account
  • validatorData: The permission data of the session key account


@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins relies on permissionless.js to get the smart account signer, it provides two utility functions:

  • walletClientToSmartAccountSigner
  • providerToSmartAccountSigner

You can find more information about permissionless.js here

Here we'll use providerToSmartAccountSigner to get a signer from a provider.

import { providerToSmartAccountSigner } from "permissionless"
const smartAccountSigner = await providerToSmartAccountSigner(window.ethereum)


Create a CyberAccount instance following the CyberAccount documentation.

const cyberAccount = new CyberAccount(...)

Session Key Signer

Use a local private key from viem to create a session key signer.

import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
const sessionPrivateKey = generatePrivateKey();
const sessionKeySigner = privateKeyToAccount(sessionPrivateKey);

Validator Data

The validatorData is used to define the permissions of the session key account. It contains the following fields:

  • validUntil
  • validAfter
  • paymaster (supported soon)
  • permissions

Here we'll use set a permission to allow the session key account to mint an NFT to the CyberAccount address.

Contract Info
const contractAddress = "0x34bE7f35132E97915633BC1fc020364EA5134863";
const contractABI = parseAbi([
  "function mint(address _to) public",
  "function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance)",

Set Permissions
Operator has the following values:

import { Operator } from "@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins"
const validatorData = {
  permissions: [
      target: contractAddress,
      valueLimit: BigInt(0),
      abi: contractABI,
      functionName: "mint",
      args: [
          operator: Operator.EQUAL,
          value: cyberAccount.address,

Create Session Key Account

import { createSessionKeyAccount } from "@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins";
const sessionKeyAccount = await createSessionKeyAccount({
  signer: smartAccountSigner,

Create Session Key Account Client

Before sending transactions with the session key account, you need to create a session key account client.

import { createSessionKeyAccountClient } from "@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins";
const sessionKeyAccountClient = await createSessionKeyAccountClient(

Send Transaction

const txHash = await sessionKeyAccountClient.sendTransaction({
  to: contractAddress,
  value: BigInt(0),
  data: encodeFunctionData({
    abi: contractABI,
    functionName: "mint",
    args: [cyberAccount.address],

Serialize Session Key Account

You can use serializeSessionKeyAccount to serialize the session key account. This will produce a JWT-like string that can be used to recreate the session key account by using deserializeSessionKeyAccount.

import { serializeSessionKeyAccount } from "@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins";
 const serializedAccount = await serializeSessionKeyAccount(
   sessionPrivateKey, // the private key that was created at the Session Key Signer step

Deserialize Session Key Account

You can use deserializeSessionKeyAccount to deserialize the session key account. This will produce a session key account object that can be used to create the session key account client.

import { deserializeSessionKeyAccount } from "@cyberlab/cyber-account-plugins";
const sessionKeyAccount = await deserializeSessionKeyAccount(

Full Example

You can find the full example here.