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CyberApp SDK

Create a CyberWallet app easily with CyberApp SDK.


npm install @cyberlab/cyber-app-sdk

Getting Started

There are two ways to create a CyberApp:

  1. (Beta) using cyberWalletConnector with wagmi
  2. using CyberApp directly

1. Using CyberWalletConnector

npm install @cyberlab/cyber-app-sdk@beta
import { CyberWalletConnector } from "@cyberlab/cyber-app-sdk";
const connector = new CyberWalletConnector({
  options: {
    name: "<app name>", // required
    icon: "<app icon>", // required
    appId: "<app id>", // required

2. Using with CyberApp Directly

Connect to CyberWallet

import { CyberApp } from "@cyberlab/cyber-app-sdk";
const app = new CyberApp({
  appId: "your app id", // required
  name: "My app", // required
  icon: "", // required
app.start().then((cyberAccount) => {
  if (cyberAccount) {
    console.log("Connected to CyberWallet");
  } else {
    console.log("Failed to connect to CyberWallet");

Send native tokens on Optimism

async function sendTransaction() {
  const res = await app?.cyberwallet?.optimism
      to: "0x370CA01D7314e3EEa59d57E343323bB7e9De24C6",
      value: "0.01",
      data: "0x",
    .catch((err: Error) => console.log({ err }));

Check if your app is running in CyberWallet

The SDK provides a helper function to check if your app is running in CyberWallet.

import { isCyberWallet } from "@cyberlab/cyber-app-sdk";
isCyberWallet(); // true or false

Run your local app in CyberWallet Sandbox

  1. Start your local app server
  2. Go to CyberWallet Sandbox
  3. Input your app server URL

Production Setup (Required)